
small golden fruit Learn more about small golden fruit

  • Propagation, cultivation and management of bonsai with rare hanging fruit and golden marbles

    Propagation, cultivation and management of bonsai with rare hanging fruit and golden marbles

    Golden marbles is a very festive hanging fruit, especially every year from New Year's Day to the Spring Festival, hanging fruit golden marbles in the green leaves from green to red, red and green, dried iron Qiu branches, full of vitality. Then follow in the footsteps of the editor to learn about the golden marbles! Differences in origin and varieties of golden marbles

  • How to make bonsai with golden marbles (scientific name bottle orchid)? How to maintain and manage? What are the main varieties?

    How to make bonsai with golden marbles (scientific name bottle orchid)? How to maintain and manage? What are the main varieties?

    Golden marbles, the scientific name bottle orchid. Evergreen shrubs or small trees have beautiful flowers and fruits that last for a long time and look like marbles, so they are called golden marbles which should be planted in the garden for viewing; they are suitable for making stump bonsai, so do you know how to make golden marble bonsai? How to maintain and manage? What are the main varieties?

  • A brief introduction to the varieties of bonsai with golden marbles

    A brief introduction to the varieties of bonsai with golden marbles

    Golden marbles, also known as black tower, are also known as bottle-shaped flowers and fragrant orchids. They are evergreen shrubs or small trees of the persimmon family, with black branches, spines, oval leaves, dark green and glossy.

  • Growth habits of bonsai with golden marbles

    Growth habits of bonsai with golden marbles

    Gold marbles are resistant to low temperature, but the activity requires high accumulated temperature. The suitable period for annual growth is from April to November, and the temperature is 28-33. The range of C. The golden marbles grow slowly, and it is easy to maintain the tree-shaped proportion and not to be out of shape after forming. Because the golden marbles are female, gold.

  • Grafting Propagation techniques and key points of domestication and cultivation of Golden marbles in Guanguo Bonsai

    Grafting Propagation techniques and key points of domestication and cultivation of Golden marbles in Guanguo Bonsai

    Golden marbles, also known as persimmon, black persimmon and bottle orchid, belong to evergreen or semi-evergreen shrubs of the persimmon family, with a height of 10m, a breast height of up to 30~80cm in diameter, flowering from April to May and fruiting from August to October.

  • What kind of fruit is the golden fruit? What kind of fruit do you belong to? is the golden fruit sweet?

    What kind of fruit is the golden fruit? What kind of fruit do you belong to? is the golden fruit sweet?

    Golden fruit, its peel is yellow, so it is called golden fruit, it is a kind of wild citrus fruit; it tastes like pineapple Sakya, but with more moisture and sweeter. The golden fruit, which originated in the Philippines and Hawaii, tastes sticky and is not popular with the public.

    2019-04-11 Gold fruit what is it is belongs to which kind yellow gold
  • Golden Marble Sowing Technique

    Golden Marble Sowing Technique

    Gold marbles are distributed and cultivated in East China, South China and Central China. Market sales and exhibitions are mainly based on Sichuan and Hubei gold marbles. Sichuan gold marbles have many small fruits. As long as they reach the cultivation period, small piles (small and miniature bonsai) can also bear fruits in pots.

  • Bonsai appreciation: bonsai with golden marbles is so attractive.

    Bonsai appreciation: bonsai with golden marbles is so attractive.

    How does the golden bonsai develop? The golden marble is a kind of very festive hanging fruit, especially during the period from New Year's Day to the Spring Festival, the fruit gold bar changes from green to red in the green leaves, red and green alternately, iron stem branch, old spirit. This kind of white blood, red fruit, gold bullet and Jane.

  • Milk eggplant five generations in the same house golden fruit

    Milk eggplant five generations in the same house golden fruit

    Alias: five generations in the same house, Golden Fruit, Wuzi Baishou Family: the morphological characteristics of evergreen shrubs of Solanaceae: milk eggplant fruit golden yellow, strange shape, flowering and fruit period in summer and autumn is long, especially after falling leaves in winter, because its fruit does not change color, does not dry shrink, chic and attractive. Small erect branched shrub, usually cultivated annual, 0.5m tall, with sparse leaves and waxy yellow flat thorns all over the body. Summer and autumn is the flowering and fruiting stage, the buds often droop before flowering, slightly erect when in full bloom, 5 purple flowers

  • How to reproduce golden cherry, the four propagation methods / cutting sowing is the most practical.

    How to reproduce golden cherry, the four propagation methods / cutting sowing is the most practical.

    For the golden cherry, people who have seen it should be no stranger, its white and pure flowers, sweet and delicious fruit, are impressive. Because the efficacy of golden cherry is amazing, whether making wine or tea is beneficial to human health, so golden cherry is multiplied in large numbers, so how to reproduce golden cherry?

  • Maintenance of golden marbles

    Maintenance of golden marbles

    Place gold marbles like to be warm and humid, so it is best to put them in a sunny place. It can be shaded a little in summer and put indoors in winter. Watering must always keep the basin soil moist and not dry. When the temperature is high, in addition to proper shade, you should also spray water frequently. Fertilization should be applied regularly during the growing period.

  • Several problems that should be paid attention to in planting Golden Pear

    Several problems that should be paid attention to in planting Golden Pear

    The main results are as follows: 1. garden site selection: Golden pear has poor resistance to drought and barren, so the garden site should choose the place where the soil layer is thick, and the barren soil is not suitable for planting. 2. Plant-row spacing: young golden pear trees are easy to blossom, bear fruit early, grow slowly, and can be planted densely. The reasonable plant-row spacing for its cultivation is 2mx2.5--3m. Determining its reasonable plant-row spacing can not only use the land reasonably and economically, but also increase the unit area and yield of golden pear and obtain higher economic benefits. 3. Pollination tree

  • Planting technique of Golden finger Grape

    Planting technique of Golden finger Grape

    Planting technique of Golden finger Grape

  • How much is the market price of "natural mineral water" golden pear per jin? How much is the yield per mu? How long will the saplings bear fruit? What's the difference between Sydney and Sydney?

    How much is the market price of

    Golden pear is an excellent variety of pear, its nutritional value is high, can be made with rock sugar snow pear, in order to relieve cough and moisten the lung, generally mature in late September on the market, how much is the market price of golden pear? How much is the yield per mu? How long will the saplings bear fruit? And snow

    2020-11-09 Natural mineral water gold pear market price more less money
  • Occurrence and Preventive measures of Golden Pear Fruit

    Occurrence and Preventive measures of Golden Pear Fruit

    Golden pear was introduced into our city in 2000. Through high grafting and changing head, it has developed to 2567 hectares and began to hang fruit in 2001. However, in the production, it is found that the fruit surface of golden pear is easy to form fruit, and the rate of good fruit is 30% to 50%, which seriously affects the economic benefits of fruit farmers. For this reason, we have carried out investigation and analysis, found out the reasons and put forward the corresponding countermeasures. The main results are as follows: 1. the internal factors of occurrence: the occurrence of golden pear fruit is closely related to its pericarp structure. Golden pear fruit

  • How much are the golden marbles per pot? Explain the breeding method in detail!

    How much are the golden marbles per pot? Explain the breeding method in detail!

    The scientific name of the golden marble, the bottle orchid, gets its name because the fruit is small and looks like bullets. It not only blossoms beautifully, but also bears very beautiful fruit, so it has high ornamental value. Many people like to raise a pot. How much is the price of the golden marbles?

    2020-11-09 Gold marbles gold marbles price probably more less money a basin detailed explanation
  • How many years can golden bergamot be planted to bear fruit?

    How many years can golden bergamot be planted to bear fruit?

    Golden bergamot is a Yun spice citrus plant, also known as bergamot citron Milo citrus longevity orange, native to southeastern and southern Asia. At present, it is widely cultivated in tropical and subtropical areas, and about 15 species have been introduced into China. So, how many years can golden bergamot be planted to bear fruit? 1. Golden Buddha

    2020-11-08 Golden bergamot golden bergamot planting several years energy result gold
  • Planting techniques of Golden Pear in Dengzhou City

    Planting techniques of Golden Pear in Dengzhou City

    Dengzhou Golden Pear planting Technology Golden Pear is a kind of fruit which is very popular with consumers. The fruit is golden in appearance, good in quality, good in flavor and resistant to storage. The pear fruit has the functions of promoting fluid, moistening dryness, clearing heat, resolving phlegm and so on. The golden pear is made in South Korea.

  • The breeding methods and matters needing attention of bottle orchid golden marbles? Can I eat it? When will it blossom and bear fruit?

    The breeding methods and matters needing attention of bottle orchid golden marbles? Can I eat it? When will it blossom and bear fruit?

    The nicknames of golden marbles are bottle orchids, black towers and thorn persimmons, so the breeding methods and precautions of golden marbles? Can I eat it? When will it blossom and bear fruit? According to the data, the golden marble likes sunshine. It likes to grow in a warmer environment, but it can withstand low temperatures.

  • The latest course on planting techniques and methods of Golden finger Grape

    The latest course on planting techniques and methods of Golden finger Grape

    Golden finger grape is an European and American hybrid with large ear, long conical ear, moderate tightness, average ear weight 750g, maximum ear weight 1500 g, strange and beautiful grain shape, mature in late July, strong stress resistance, adaptability and cold resistance. it is the only Europe and America with high sugar content and early ripening.

    2020-11-10 The latest Goldfinger grapes planting techniques methods tutorials